[mou] Boreal Owl, Stoney Point (St. Louis County)

Dan Amerman boreal_finch@yahoo.com
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 15:41:51 -0800 (PST)

We saw a Boreal Owl off of Stoney Point Road at 3:30
this afternoon.  It was 0.1 mile northeast of the
intersection with Alt Road, in the trees between the
road and lake.  It appeared to be actively hunting and
not roosting, we watched and photographed for five to
ten minutes as it perched on a couple of trees, and
then lost it when it moved again.  It was our second
Boreal in two days after seeing Mike Hendrickson's
bird yesterday about four in the afternoon.

We saw eight Great Gray Owls today as well:  a yard
bird, one in Amity Woods a quarter mile behind our
house, and six between Stoney Point and Two Harbors.  

Our house backs up to Amity Woods, which is likely why
the yard bird was our fourth yard GGOW in three days,
each with distinct plumage.  None of the Great Grays
we have seen around our house or nearby woods in
recent days seem to be stopping, other than to briefly
hunt and then keep moving southwest.  What a year this

Dan & Mary Amerman
Duluth, MN

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