[mou] my back yard so far-duluth

TeamVagrant@aol.com TeamVagrant@aol.com
Thu, 6 Jan 2005 22:03:06 EST

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Nothing too unusual, but I finally had a hoary in today - after weeks of  the 
common ones by themselves, he was a treat.  A shrike nearly came  through my 
kitchen window while terrorizing the passel of redpolls, siskens,  chickadees 
and the lone nuthatch - they have beautiful eyes when they're that  close, I 
think I had a glimpse of his soul.  The woodpeckers aren't too  active, and we 
are getting daily visits from the Pine grosbeaks.  We also  had a visit from a 
sharp-shin yesterday.  I wasn't expecting that  one.  The great gray is only 
occasional now.  That's all, still  waiting for the Boreal to stop in for a 
while -- chickadee or owl, I  don't care.
Stay warm and well-fed
Chris  Elmgren
Gnesen township,
Duluth, St. Louis  County

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<DIV>Nothing too unusual, but I finally had a hoary in today - after weeks o=
the common ones by themselves, he was a treat.&nbsp; A shrike nearly came=20
through my kitchen window while terrorizing the passel of redpolls, siskens,=
chickadees and the lone nuthatch - they have beautiful eyes when they're tha=
close, I think I had a glimpse of his soul.&nbsp; The woodpeckers aren't too=
active, and we are getting daily visits from the Pine grosbeaks.&nbsp; We al=
had a visit from a sharp-shin yesterday.&nbsp; I wasn't expecting that=20
one.&nbsp; The great gray is only occasional now.&nbsp; That's all, still=20
waiting for the Boreal&nbsp;to stop in for a while -- chickadee or owl,&nbsp=
don't care.</DIV>
<DIV>Stay warm and well-fed</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
Elmgren<BR>Gnesen township,<BR>Duluth, St. Louis=20
