[mou] Lake County Gyrfalcon

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Sun, 09 Jan 2005 20:58:01 -0600

This morning yielded an unsuccessful try at the Yellow-billed Loon in Two 
Harbors, but while walking around the lighthouse a Gyrfalcon zipped right in 
front of my mom and I. It was a very light individual, probably a gray 
phase. It headed southwest across Agate Bay, and we lost it in the 
background of the trees. It was heading downshore, so watch the Duluth area 
for one tomorrow or in the next few days.
Also Owls were present in many places, including 4 Great Grays and 1 Hawk 
Owl in Carlton County. They were all along Hwy. 210 from mile markers 

Ben Fritchman