[mou] Boreal Owls, Am Three-toed Woodpecker

Kim R Eckert kreckert@cpinternet.com
Sun, 9 Jan 2005 21:01:40 -0600

To elaborate on Mike Hendrickson's earlier posting:

Boreal Owl =96 one found this afternoon by Otto _____ (? =96 sorry, =
his last name) in Two Harbors and seen by m.ob.: follow the trail=20
behind the lighthouse, and after 300 yards or so turn left on the main=20=

cut-off trail which leads back to the base of the Agate Bay parking lot=20=

=96 owl was in a cedar about 50 yards up this trail on the left side;=20
another seen by Jim Lind's father along Old N Shore Rd, just N of Hwy=20
61 and just W of Alseth Rd (unfortunately, if these are typical=20
individuals like the few reported in recent days, these probably will=20
have moved on by tomorrow)

Am Three-toed Woodpecker =96 a male found today with 2 Black-backeds by=20=

Dave Johnson's group from IL in the McDavitt Rd tamarack bog in Sax-Zim=20=

(from Co Rd 7, go 2 mi W on Sax Rd, then about 2.5 mi N on McDavitt (=3D=20=

Co Rd 213)

Other notes:

Yellow-billed Loon =96 credit April Silber from McKinney TX with the MBW=20=

group who first spotted it yesterday (first observed Jan 4; apparently=20=

no sightings today); imm male & female Harlequin Ducks in same area

Townsend's Solitaire =96  first reported in the Duluth RBA a couple =
ago, and relocated Friday at Leif Ericson Park in Duluth in conifers=20
near the Viking ship replica (from the Rose Garden parking lot at !2th=20=

Ave E & London Rd, take the pedestrian bridge towards the lake and turn=20=


Gadwall =96 an unexpected out-of-season male with the Mallard flock at=20=

the corner of L Superior near Canal Park in Duluth

=96 Kim Eckert