[mou] Boreal Owl in Two Harbors

Jim Lind jlind@nrri.umn.edu
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 13:10:03 -0600

Mike Hendrickson just called to report at Boreal Owl found by Kent Nickell next to the 
lighthouse at Agate Bay in Two Harbors.  It was on the the edge of the woods about 40 
yards north of the southeast corner of the chain-link fence surrounding the lighthouse.  
It was at the top of a broken-off 10-foot tall, 3 inch diameter birch tree near a large 
clump of balsams.  This is a few hundred yards south of the Boreal Owl location from 
yesterday afternoon, and could be the same bird.

Mike also said he has not been able to relocate the Yellow-billed Loon, but the two 
Harlequin Ducks are still present.

Jim Lind
Two Harbors