[mou] Re: Dragonflies

esteb02@frontiernet.net esteb02@frontiernet.net
Mon, 10 Jan 2005 14:46:41 -0500

I found the site, thanks to Leslie Kottke.  It belongs to Mike
Hendrickson and the site is http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendrickson/

A reporter had contacted the Zoo's PR department looking for dragonfly
video.  The PR department contacted me, as I do the butterfly exhibit
here at the Zoo.  I guess they figured dragonflies were close to

So I forwarded websites for Mike and Kurt Mead to the PR department so
they could forward them to the reporter as possible leads.

Mike, I hope you don't mind!

Steve Estebo
Avian Zoologist (and Butterflies)
Minnesota Zoo