[mou] owls/people and ect..

Mike Hendrickson smithville4@charter.net
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 09:21:23 -0600

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If there is one person who has been to the bog alot than that would be =
me. I believe I stopped for the same hawk owls along Co. 7 and othr =
places in the bog numerous times.  This thought about birders viewing =
the same owls is causing stress on them is not true.  I am also getting =
tired of those that keep throwing ethics and treating birders as if we =
are kindergartners on our first field trip. I have yet to see or hear =
any abusive behavior by birders in the bog.  I have not seen a person =
walk under an owl to take a picture or toss things at it to make it =
move. I have not seen a birder or heard of a birder shake a tree to wake =
it up, I have not seen anything that I would consider breaking ABA code =
of ethics anywhere in northern Minnesota! =20

The message has been sent and sent by several birders and I believe the =
message is received and birders are acting very well behaved.  WELLLL =
except the parking in the middle of busy county roads is something I =
have witnessed but not so much. Overall in the last few times I been at =
the bog I have not seen birders stop at houses with feeders and I assume =
the word is out and birders are not stopping at these houses. So that is =
a good sign.

As for me, well its like a saying " you can't teach a old dog new =
tricks" meaning I was taught to share sightings no matter how great or =
small.  There has been many times that I have not posted certain birds =
or spread the word out on certain birds because either the home owner =
doesn't want the main public to be there or its nesting bird. I agree in =
those instances I will NOT share those sightings.

 Yesterday Kent Nickell and I were at the Two Harbors at same time by =
chance. Nick was out to see if he could find a Boreal Owl and I was out =
to refind the Yellow-billed Loon. I missed out on the loon and a Kent =
found the Boreal Owl.  My first reaction was to call local birders and =
as k one of them to post iton the internet. I wanted the bird on the =
internet because there are many many birders from all over the place =
planning trips to northern Minnesota to view these special owls. This =
owl was in the open and roosting in the sunlight.  I was able to get =
full frame photos from 50 yards away. The owl slept the whole time and =
once opened its eyes as chickadees found the owl. =20

I ran into two other birders and told them where it was.  I guess I have =
a lot of faith and trust in birders that they are not going to walk up =
to the owl and poke a stick at it to wake it up.  I knew one of the =
birders (Jim Barrett) and knew the owl was in good hands with him.  I =
just don't like telling the truth if birders asked me about Boreal Owls. =
 I don't want to say something I heard from a well known Arizona birder, =
when I asked him about places to visit to find a Ferrugenous Owl, " I am =
sorry but it would be really unethical of me to tell you about any =
places to find Ferrugenous Owls".  That is NOT me and I will not become =
that kind of birder.  If the owl is in a public place and open to =
birders to view the owl I will share the sighting and give them advice =
as far how to approach the owl and what not to do and ect. .so it =
insures other birders that they will be able to see this owl as well. =
Birders are very good in policing themselves. Also I don't believe any =
of these Boreal Owls will be like the owl in Central Park, NY where =
hundreds are mobbing the owl for listing, photos and to just say they =
saw one.  There will many Boreal Owl sightings thru February and maybe =
into early March. =20

I will not post Boreal Owls in Northern Lake Co or Cook Co. where they =
tend to breed and raise young. Birders have a bad knack of playing tapes =
when they shouldn't especially on Boreal Owls.  Usually after a eruptive =
season with Boreal Owls there is usually a good number of these owls =
that will nest in Minnesota where the food base is plentiful and I =
assume this will be a good early spring for nesting Boreals or heard =
Boreals in their range in Minnesota. =20

If I get a call informing me of an Boreal Owl and ask not to post it =
then I will not post it.  If I find my own Boreal Owl or be present when =
a Boreal Owl is found I will determine the situation and if there is no =
issues with home owners and other obstacles that might come into play =
with birders then I will NOT post it but if the owl is in a good public =
place to view the owl or I got home owners permission to do so then I =
will post it and give details on what the home owner expects of birders =
as far where to walk and park cars.


Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks
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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>If there is one person who =
has been to=20
the bog alot than that would be me. I believe I stopped for the same =
hawk owls=20
along Co. 7 and othr places in the bog numerous times.&nbsp; This =
thought about=20
birders viewing the same owls is causing stress on them is not =
true.&nbsp; I am=20
also getting tired of those that keep throwing ethics and treating =
birders as if=20
we are kindergartners on our first field trip. I have yet to see or hear =
abusive behavior by birders in the bog.&nbsp; I have not seen a person =
under an owl to take a picture or toss things at it to make it move. I =
have not=20
seen a birder or heard of a birder shake a tree to wake it up, I have =
not seen=20
anything that I would consider breaking ABA code of ethics anywhere in =
Minnesota!&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>The message has been sent and =
sent by=20
several birders and I believe the message is received and birders are =
very well behaved.&nbsp; WELLLL except the parking in the middle of busy =
roads is something I have witnessed but not so much. Overall in the last =
times I been at the bog I have not seen birders stop at houses with =
feeders and=20
I assume the word is out and birders are not stopping at these houses. =
So that=20
is a good sign.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>As for me, well its like a =
saying " you=20
can't teach a old dog new tricks" meaning I was taught to share=20
sightings&nbsp;no matter how great or small.&nbsp; There has been many =
that I have not posted certain birds or spread the word out on certain =
because either the home owner doesn't want the main public to be there =
or its=20
nesting bird. I agree in those instances I will NOT share those=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>&nbsp;Yesterday Kent Nickell =
and I were=20
at the Two Harbors at same time by chance. Nick was out to see if he =
could find=20
a Boreal Owl and I was out to refind the Yellow-billed Loon. I missed =
out on the=20
loon and a Kent found the Boreal Owl.&nbsp; My first reaction was to =
call local=20
birders and as k one of them to post iton the internet. I wanted the =
bird on the=20
internet because there are many many birders from all over the place =
trips to northern Minnesota to view these special owls. This owl was in =
the open=20
and roosting in the sunlight.&nbsp; I was able to get full frame photos =
from 50=20
yards away. The owl slept the whole time and once opened its eyes as =
found the owl.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I ran into two other birders =
and told=20
them where it was.&nbsp; I guess I have a lot of faith and trust in =
birders that=20
they are not going to walk up to the owl and poke a stick at it to wake =
up.&nbsp; I knew one of the birders (Jim Barrett) and knew the owl was =
in good=20
hands with him.&nbsp; I just don't like telling the truth if birders =
asked me=20
about Boreal Owls.&nbsp; I don't want to say something I heard from a =
well known=20
Arizona birder, when I asked him about places to visit to find a =
Owl, " I am sorry but it would be really unethical of me to tell you =
about any=20
places to find Ferrugenous Owls".&nbsp; That is NOT me and I will not =
that kind of birder.&nbsp; If the owl is in a public place and open to =
to view the owl I will share the sighting and give them advice as far =
how to=20
approach the owl and what not to do and ect. .so it insures other =
birders that=20
they will be able to see this owl as well. Birders are very good in =
themselves. Also I don't believe any of these Boreal Owls will be like =
the owl=20
in Central Park, NY where hundreds are mobbing the owl for listing, =
photos and=20
to just say they saw one.&nbsp; There will many Boreal Owl sightings =
February and maybe into early March.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>I will not post Boreal Owls =
in Northern=20
Lake Co or Cook Co. where they tend to breed and raise young. Birders =
have a bad=20
knack of playing tapes when they shouldn't especially on Boreal =
Usually after a eruptive season with Boreal Owls there is usually a good =
of these owls that will nest in Minnesota where the food base is =
plentiful and I=20
assume this will be a good early spring for nesting Boreals or heard =
Boreals in=20
their range in Minnesota.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>If I get a call informing me =
of an Boreal=20
Owl and ask not to post it then I will not post it.&nbsp; If I find my =
Boreal Owl or be present when a Boreal Owl is found I will determine the =

situation and if there is no issues with home owners and other obstacles =
might come into play with birders then I will NOT post it but if the owl =
in&nbsp;a good public place to view the owl or I got home owners =
permission to=20
do so then I will post it and give details on what the home owner =
expects of=20
birders as far where&nbsp;to walk and park cars.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Enough.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" size=3D2>Michael =
Minnesota<BR>Minnesota Birding Treks<BR><A=20
