[mou] Thank you Minnesota

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 10:41:07 EST

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To all of you generous and friendly Minnesotans (and even the very few 
birding grouches, too):

Thanks for all the really wonderful time enjoying your owls--and more--in 
Duluth last weekend.

Eight of us from Tucson, Chicago, Houston, Sioux Falls (lately of The Hague, 
Netherlands), and the Twin Cities converged on you from Thursday evening till 
Monday morning. We saw great birds--the weather was great; well, at least it 
didn't blizzard or even snow hard, and though cold, there was no wind to speak 
of. Some of us know how different it could have been.

The group saw 44 species. One participant got 9 life birds, another 7, and 
most 3-4. Everyone had at least one.

Again, thanks for all the great hospitality.

We tried very hard to be "good" birders: we stopped our engines *anywhere* 
near owls (can't say the same for others), we pulled off to the side even when 
we spotted a life bird, and we bought gas, drinks and lunch in the bog (I told 
everyone to wear their binoculars inside). My 87-year-old mother (whose 
favorite bird there is the raven, so she was happy) even bought the big pink-dressed 
doll at the Rocket in the Meadowlands--her souvenir of all this crazy 

We encountered no animosity anywhere and hopefully we created none.

Douglas Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">To all of you generous and friendly Min=
nesotans (and even the very few birding grouches, too):<BR>
Thanks for all the really wonderful time enjoying your owls--and more--in Du=
luth last weekend.<BR>
Eight of us from Tucson, Chicago, Houston, Sioux Falls (lately of The Hague,=
 Netherlands), and the Twin Cities converged on you from Thursday evening ti=
ll Monday morning. We saw great birds--the weather was great; well, at least=
 it didn't blizzard or even snow hard, and though cold, there was no wind to=
 speak of. Some of us know how different it could have been.<BR>
The group saw 44 species. One participant got 9 life birds, another 7, and m=
ost 3-4. Everyone had at least one.<BR>
Again, thanks for all the great hospitality.<BR>
We tried very hard to be "good" birders: we stopped our engines *anywhere* n=
ear owls (can't say the same for others), we pulled off to the side even whe=
n we spotted a life bird, and we bought gas, drinks and lunch in the bog (I=20=
told everyone to wear their binoculars inside). My 87-year-old mother (whose=
 favorite bird there is the raven, so she was happy) even bought the big pin=
k-dressed doll at the Rocket in the Meadowlands--her souvenir of all this cr=
azy birding.<BR>
We encountered no animosity anywhere and hopefully we created none.<BR>
Douglas Chapman<BR>
Sioux Falls, SD</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANS=
