[mou] owls/people and ect..

sharonks@mn.rr.com sharonks@mn.rr.com
Tue, 11 Jan 2005 11:34:05 -0600

Count me in as someone who has been to the bog several times.  I have taken friends, KBJR from Duluth, NBC Nightly News, and my family.  I would say since November 1 I have visited the area at least six times and plan two more trips.

The species seen are known to be diurnal so it's not necessarily stress that is causing them to hunt during the day.  Also, how stressed can an owl be when it is actively hunting while two trains are moving underneath it while it's perched on a telephone wire overhead?  While filming a segment for NBC, we pulled off on a side street with no owls near that we could find.  Four of us unloaded the vehicle and set up a shot with the reporter walking down the road.  As we were doing it, two actively hunting great grays started flying around behind him and landed on trees fairly close not watching us at all (I must say, it made for a great shot and looked as thought we planned it).  I think it's good that we are all working together to find a way to keep people informed about safely watching the owls up north, but let's avoid too much emotion and blame.

This is a great year for Minnesota birding history and great since the national media is giving some attention to birds and the economy of some small towns a nice boost.

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN