[mou] Starving Boreals

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 08:36:47 -0600

Steve Wilson, DNR Ecologist based in Tower, MN wrote on1/12/05:

Numerous starved boreal owls have started turning up in the North Shore
area in recent days. I would expect the numbers to increase as the
bitter cold weather hits later this week.

If you find one near a feeder, please make sure the feeder is full and
there is lots of seed on the ground. While Boreal Owls cannot eke out an
existence on proso millet, the voles and mice they are seeking will. If
you find a BOOW on private property, perhaps you might approach the
Owner of the property, explain the circumstances, and inform them that
if they feed in the area plentifully, it might help the BOOW's chances.
At leas t inform them of the significance of this chunky flat headed
Owl. It is sad but inevitable that the life cycle in an irruption year
will end this way for so many.  I am really proud of the feedback I have
gotten from out of state visitors, commending MN birders and citizen's
for their stewardship of this event. I think everyone is making sure we
keep the well-being of the owls in mind. I am making plans to go up to
Cook and Lake County to hang Boreal Owl nesting boxes in prime habitat
that might be missing nest tree size aspen for Flickers to excavate,
perhaps we can have these rotund Owls tooting to us soon as they attract
mates. If anyone else wants s to help Bill Lane with this effort, please
contact him at Owlman@boreal.org

Good Birding.=20


Mark Alt=20
Minnesota Ornithologists Union
J. F. Bell Museum of Natural History
University of Minnesota
10 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0104
Cell:  612-803-9085