[mou] More on Yellow Billed Loon

Don Kienholz dkienholz@earthlink.net
Wed, 12 Jan 2005 10:14:07 -0600

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The Yellow Billed Loon was relocated yesterday Tuesday 3:15 PM by Aaron Brees of Des Moines, IA,  and myself. The bird was first  found swimming in from the lake and moving West along the Far shore of Lighthouse point,( around the corner on the trail past the lighthouse). The bird was several hundred yards out at first. The Loon then continued to dive and move closer to shore finally reaching a distance of about 50 ft from shore. It then swam West following the shore to the breakwall where it swam out and around the breakwall and continued across Agate Bay (4:30 PM) towards the docks and far shore. The bird was visible from the parking lot, and seen by several others as it made its way around the breakwall. The bird was also observed eating a fish.
This may be a pattern? as I heard it did the same routine on Monday. It is snowy now, and with extreme cold forecast, the lake will be steamy so visibility may be hindered.

A pair of Harlequin Ducks was also present on the East side of Breakwall.

Don Kienholz

--- Don Kienholz
--- dkienholz at earthlink.net
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.
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<DIV>The Yellow Billed Loon was relocated yesterday Tuesday 3:15 PM by Aaron Brees of Des Moines, IA,&nbsp; and myself. The bird was first&nbsp; found swimming in from the lake and moving West along the Far shore of Lighthouse point,( around the corner on the trail past the lighthouse). The bird was several hundred yards out at first. The Loon then continued to dive and move closer to shore finally reaching a distance of about 50 ft from shore. It then swam West following the shore to the breakwall where it swam out and around the breakwall and continued across Agate Bay (4:30 PM) towards the docks and far shore. The bird was visible from the parking lot, and seen&nbsp;by several others&nbsp;as it made its way around the breakwall. The bird was also observed eating a fish.</DIV>
<DIV>This may be a pattern? as I heard it did the same routine on Monday. It is snowy now, and with extreme cold forecast,&nbsp;the lake will be steamy so visibility may be hindered.</DIV>
<DIV>A pair of Harlequin Ducks was also present on the East side of Breakwall.</DIV>
<DIV>Don Kienholz</DIV>
<DIV>--- Don Kienholz</DIV>
<DIV>--- dkienholz at earthlink.net</DIV>
<DIV>--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.</DIV>