[mou] st louis cty Clarks Nutcracker

Don Kienholz dkienholz@earthlink.net
Sat, 15 Jan 2005 09:34:01 -0600

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I just received a call from Mike Hendrickson that a Clarks Nutcracker was found this Saturday morning. The location was given as 4.5 miles up Scenic Hwy 61 from where it leaves the Express  Hwy 61 North of Duluth. The bird was on the inland or Left side of the road. I do not have the names of the party who found the bird. Mike is in the Bog.

--- Don Kienholz
--- dkienholz at earthlink.net
--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.
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<DIV>I just received a call from Mike Hendrickson that a Clarks Nutcracker was found this Saturday morning. The location was given as 4.5 miles up Scenic Hwy 61 from where it leaves the Express&nbsp; Hwy 61 North of Duluth. The bird was on the inland or Left side of the road. I do not have the names of the party who found the bird. Mike is in the Bog.</DIV>
<DIV>--- Don Kienholz</DIV>
<DIV>--- dkienholz at earthlink.net</DIV>
<DIV>--- EarthLink: The #1 provider of the Real Internet.</DIV>