[mou] Call for abstracts for the 2005 MN SCB Annual Meeting

Derric Pennington penn0107@umn.edu
Fri, 14 Jan 2005 14:13:43 -0600

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Hello Everyone-

Could you please post/spread the following message regarding the call=20
for abstracts for the 2005 Minnesota Chapter of the Society for=20
Conservation Biology.  We have included a pdf for posting this=20
information in strategic places.  We greatly appreciate your time and=20
help in making this year's meeting one of the most successful.

Minnesota Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology

Call for Abstracts for the 2005
Minnesota Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology (MN SCB)
and Minnesota Chapter of American Fisheries Society (MN AFS)
Joint Meeting in Grand Rapids, Minnesota
March 14 =96 16, 2005

Deadline for Abstract Submissions: February 4, 2005
We invite abstract submissions for contributed oral or poster=20
presentations at the 2005 joint meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the=20=

Society for Conservation Biology (MN SCB) and Minnesota Chapter of the=20=

American Fisheries Society (MN AFS).  The meeting will be held March=20
14-16, 2005 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota at the Sawmill Inn.

Abstracts that address issues in conservation biology in Minnesota are=20=

strongly encouraged, but submissions may address any geographic region.=20=

As conservation biology is an interdisciplinary field, submissions may=20=

be from a variety of disciplines including, but not limited to:=20
ecology, forestry, fisheries, sociology, economics, wildlife=20
management, recreation and environmental education, water resources,=20
and agriculture.

Oral presentations will include both joint sessions between MN SCB and=20=

MN AFS for projects of mutual interest to the respective disciplines,=20
along with focused independent sessions.  Poster sessions will be held=20=

jointly, with informal =93poster pub=94 sessions to allow for discussion =
poster findings. Please adhere to the following guidelines in preparing=20=

and submitting your abstract.

Oral Presentations:
=95Speakers for contributed presentations are allowed 15 minutes for=20
=95A 5-minute period between talks allows for questions, discussion, and=20=

introduction of the next speaker.

Poster Presentations:
=95Posters are encouraged as they allow extended informal discussions =
active participation by coauthors.
=95Poster boards should follow traditional formats for presentations. =20=

Please email if you have questions regarding size.

Please submit abstract (250 words or less) as an attachment to=20
penn0107@umn.edu or mail the abstract on disc or paper to  at=20
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, 200=20
Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108.=A0

Include the title, author(s), institution, mailing address, phone=20
number, e-mail address, presenter and classification (open or student).=20=

Also please indicate if you choose oral presentation only, poster only,=20=

or oral presentation preferred but willing to bring poster.

Notification of Ac  ceptance:  You will be notified via e-mail by=20
February 11, 2005, if your abstract has been accepted for presentation.=20=

  NOTE: If you submit your abstract early, it will be reviewed promptly=20=

and you will be notified of its status earlier.  Please contact Derric=20=

Pennington at  or (612) 624-4796 if you have any further questions.


Annual MN Chapter Meeting - The annual chapter meeting will be held at=20=

the Sawmill Inn, Grand Rapids, MN, from March 14 =96 16, 2005.=20
Registration will begin Monday evening along with a social. The=20
approximate cost for registration will be $30-32 and around $20 for the=20=

banquet. Rooms at the Sawmill range from $57 for a single and $67 for a=20=

double. Other hotels are within walking distance or short drives.

More details regarding lodging and and registration will be out shortly.

Derric Pennington
Graduate Research Assistant
Conservation Biology Graduate program
Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
College of Natural Resources
University of Minnesota
200 Hodson Hall
1980 Folwell Ave
St. Paul, MN 55108
ph: 612-624-4796

"I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with=20
forethought of grief... For a time I rest in the grace of the world,=20
and am free." --Wendell Berry

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a=20
confession of character." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

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<fontfamily><param>Times</param>Hello Everyone-

Could you please post/spread the following message regarding the call
for abstracts for the 2005 Minnesota Chapter of the Society for
Conservation Biology.  We have included a pdf for posting this
information in strategic places.  We greatly appreciate your time and
help in making this year's meeting one of the most successful.  =20



</fontfamily><center><fontfamily><param>Times</param>Minnesota Chapter
of the Society for Conservation Biology

<bold><bigger>Call for Abstracts for the 2005

</bigger></bold>Minnesota Chapter of the Society for Conservation
Biology (MN SCB)

and Minnesota Chapter of American Fisheries Society (MN AFS)=20

Joint Meeting in Grand Rapids, Minnesota

March 14 =96 16, 2005


for Abstract Submissions: February 4, 2005


We invite abstract submissions for contributed oral or poster
presentations at the 2005 joint meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of
the Society for Conservation Biology (MN SCB) and Minnesota Chapter of
the American Fisheries Society (MN AFS).  The meeting will be held
March 14-16, 2005 in Grand Rapids, Minnesota at the Sawmill Inn.

Abstracts that address issues in conservation biology in Minnesota are
strongly encouraged, but submissions may address any geographic
region. As conservation biology is an interdisciplinary field,
submissions may be from a variety of disciplines including, but not
limited to: ecology, forestry, fisheries, sociology, economics,
wildlife management, recreation and environmental education, water
resources, and agriculture. =20

Oral presentations will include both joint sessions between MN SCB and
MN AFS for projects of mutual interest to the respective disciplines,
along with focused independent sessions.  Poster sessions will be held
jointly, with informal =93poster pub=94 sessions to allow for discussion
of poster findings. Please adhere to the following guidelines in
preparing and submitting your abstract.    =20

Oral Presentations:

for contributed presentations are allowed 15 minutes for presentation.=20=

5-minute period between talks allows for questions, discussion, and
introduction of the next speaker. <bold>


Poster Presentations:

are encouraged as they allow extended informal discussions and active
participation by coauthors.

boards should follow traditional formats for presentations.  Please
email if you have questions regarding size.

</fontfamily><flushboth><fontfamily><param>Times</param>Please submit
abstract (250 words or less) as an attachment to
or mail the abstract on disc or paper to  at Department of Fisheries
and Wildlife, University of Minnesota, 200 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell
Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108.=A0=20

Include the title, author(s), institution, mailing address, phone
number, e-mail address, presenter and classification (open or
student). Also please indicate if you choose oral presentation only,
poster only, or oral presentation preferred but willing to bring

of Ac  ceptance:</fontfamily></bold><fontfamily><param>Times</param>=20
You will be notified via e-mail by February 11, 2005, if your abstract
has been accepted for presentation.  NOTE: If you submit your abstract
early, it will be reviewed promptly and you will be notified of its
status earlier.  Please contact Derric Pennington at  or (612)
624-4796 if you have any further questions. =20


Annual MN Chapter Meeting - The annual chapter meeting will be held at
the Sawmill Inn, Grand Rapids, MN, from March 14 =96 16, 2005.
Registration will begin Monday evening along with a social. The
approximate cost for registration will be $30-32 and around $20 for
the banquet. Rooms at the Sawmill range from $57 for a single and $67
for a double. Other hotels are within walking distance or short


More details regarding lodging and and registration will be out


Derric Pennington

Graduate Research Assistant

Conservation Biology Graduate program

Dept. of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology

College of Natural Resources

University of Minnesota

200 Hodson Hall

1980 Folwell Ave

St. Paul, MN 55108

ph: 612-624-4796

"I come into the peace of wild things who do not tax their lives with
forethought of grief... For a time I rest in the grace of the world,
and am free." --Wendell Berry=20

"People seem not to see that their opinion of the world is also a
confession of character." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
