[mou] Pine County Owls 1/17

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Tue, 18 Jan 2005 16:22:39 -0600

News from Pine County. Al Nelson, Of Sturgeon Lake, MN wrote:

Mark Alt=20
Brooklyn Center, MN=20
"I recalled that I had read somewhere that in the Middle Ages Hell was
envisioned as a place without birds." Jim Harrison=20

-----Original Message-----
From: Al Nelson [mailto:alnelson@mooselake.k12.mn.us]=20
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2005 4:15 PM
To: Alt, Mark
Subject: Re: FW: Boreal Owl nest box project Saturday, 1/22/05


I enjoyed the density of GGO's so much on Sunday that when released
from our Monday meetings, Cindy and I went out at 3:30 pm.  By 5:36 our
count was 32 Great Grey Owls and 1 Northern Hawk Owl.  We primarily
covered the same area you and I did but saw only one owl in exactly the
same place you and I did (remember that very scenic deserted barn at
sunset with the owl on the lamp post).  We also found 2 south of Kerrick
on Trails End Rd.  They haven't vacated Pine Cty. yet.
