[mou] Dakota Co. GGOW

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Fri, 21 Jan 2005 13:19:00 -0600

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Jim Mattsson asked me to post.

Great Gray Owl. 11:15am. Dakota Co. , Eagan.

Bird in tree immediately south of U.S. Postal Office parking lot. Locat=
about 150m southwest of intersection of Lexington Ave. and Clubview Rd.=

Parking lot accessible by turning west onto Clubview and then turning l=
(south) at 2nd turn. Drive around to south behind Post Office and look =
small woody, grassy area immediately adjacent to parking area. Saw bird=
10 m. It dropped down and flew to nearby tree to west.

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<p>Jim Mattsson asked me to post. <br>
Great Gray Owl. 11:15am. Dakota Co. , Eagan. <br>
Bird in tree immediately south of U.S. Postal Office parking lot. Locat=
ed about 150m southwest of intersection of Lexington Ave. and Clubview =
Rd.  Parking lot accessible by turning west onto Clubview and then turn=
ing left (south) at 2nd turn. Drive around to south behind Post Office =
and look at small woody, grassy area immediately adjacent to parking ar=
ea. Saw bird at 10 m. It dropped down and flew to nearby tree to west. =
