[mou] Dakota GGOW not found

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 11:47:05 -0600

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Jan. 22.   I looked for the Great Gray Owl in Eagan around 9:30am without success. The deep snow last night covered up what little grass habitat there is at this locality, plus it is noisy site with the mail trucks constantly driving by. There are numerous small blocks of habitat just like this throughout Eagan and surrounding areas. These owls could be anywere, urban or rural. With the new snow they should be easier to spot. So get out there and find 'em.  Also, after 5 years in Eagan, I finally had Common Redpolls at my feeder this morning. 

James Mattsson
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<DIV>Jan. 22.&nbsp;&nbsp; I looked for the Great Gray Owl in Eagan around 9:30am without success. The deep snow last night covered up what little grass habitat there is at this locality, plus it is noisy site with the mail trucks constantly driving by. There are numerous small blocks of habitat just&nbsp;like this throughout Eagan and surrounding areas. These owls could be anywere, urban or rural. With the new snow they should be easier to spot. So get out there and find 'em.&nbsp; Also, after 5 years in Eagan, I finally had Common Redpolls at my feeder this morning. </DIV>
<DIV>James Mattsson</DIV>