[mou] Dakota GGOW is back

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 12:53:18 -0600

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Jan. 22 - 12:45pm - Dave Cahlander just phoned. He's looking at the Great Gray Owl which is perched just south of Eagan post office and is visible from Lexington Ave.  Be warned that there is no stopping on Lexington. 

Good luck

James Mattsson
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<DIV>Jan. 22 - 12:45pm -&nbsp;Dave Cahlander just phoned. He's looking at the Great Gray Owl which is perched just south of Eagan post office and is visible from Lexington Ave.&nbsp; Be warned&nbsp;that there is no stopping on Lexington. </DIV>
<DIV>Good luck</DIV>
<DIV>James Mattsson</DIV>