[mou] Snowy Owl and others, St. Louis & Lake Counties

tpulles tpulles@gbronline.com
Sun, 23 Jan 2005 18:41:12 -0600

Today my family and I took a one day trip up to Duluth and
Two Harbors.  The day started out slow, missing all I had
intended for, until I ran into two very kind birders who
were also searching for the snowy owl at the Duluth Airport.
 They told me the boreal owl had been seen in Two Harbors,
so we drove back up there and saw the boreal owl in the same
location as before (W on 2nd and 4th.)  I also found a
single hoary redpoll amongst a flock of commons at feeders
in an alley between 3rd and 4th avenue (please give me some
leeway with Two Harbors street numbers - I'm not too
familiar with them.)  After we didn't find any harlequin
ducks in Agate Bay, we returned to the Duluth Int'l Airport
and found the adult male snowy owl.  It was at the exact
same spot that it was reported from yesterday (on the fence
along Airport Approach Rd - thank you, Sparky Stensaas!)

Composite List of Species -

GREAT GRAY OWL - 1 near the Edna G. Tugboat in Two Harbors
NORTHERN HAWK OWL - 1 along Highway 53 in downtown
Hermantown (SW side of the road)
BOREAL OWL - 1 in Two Harbors
SNOWY OWL - 1 at Duluth Int'l Airport
HOARY REDPOLL - 1 in Two Harbors
BOHEMIAN WAXWING - small flock along Superior Street in
outer Duluth

Good luck birding everyone!
      Keith Pulles, Wright County