[mou] Odd pair at a feeder

Roger Everhart everhart@black-hole.com
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 18:24:29 -0600

Hello everyone-

    I was out at the Near Wilderness Settlement at Baker Park near Medina,
MN (just west of Minneapolis) with a group of students for an overnight trip
on Thursday. While I was watching the feeders outside the lodge among the
many birds I saw 2 Common Redpolls and a Northern Flicker (beautiful male
who looked in good shape) on the same feeder. I know neither are unusual but
I never thought I'd see them together at the same time. My students also
found a couple of mice cached on thorns though we didn't see the shrike.
That's the stuff they don't forget.

Good Birding!

Roger Everhart
Apple Valley, MN