[mou] Jan 29 birds-Sax-Zim/TwoHarbors

sparky stensaas sparkystensaas@hotmail.com
Sun, 30 Jan 2005 00:27:34 +0000

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>Great day of birding with a great group from Joliet, Illinois!</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>Sax-Zim Bog</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>25 Great Gray Owls-Most on St. Louis Co Rd 7 N. of Co Rd 52.</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>6 N Hawk-Owls-Several on Co Rd 7 N. of 52. Most cooperative was the one at the farm on McDavitt (see below)</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE><BR>1&nbsp;&nbsp; Black-billed Magpie-McDavitt Rd 1.5 miles N of Sax Rd</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE><BR>20 White-winged Crossbills-Farm on McDavitt Rd about 1 mile N of Sax Rd on right (At the farm where the N Hawk Owl has been for two months)</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>1 Black-backed Woodpecker (female)-On west side of McDavitt Rd, 2.3 miles N of Sax Rd...Along the "Woodpecker Trail." We did not find the Am 3-toed...I hope others did.</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE><BR>Duluth<BR>2 Townsend's Solitaires flew in to the NE yard together (40th Ave E &amp; Cook Street) Tom Auer had one 19 blocks east recently...is one of these that bird? ...or are there 3 in Lakeside?</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>Two Harbors</DIV>
<DIV class=RTE>1 Saw-whet Owl found by a couple birders from Illinois at Lighthouse Pt/Agate Bay. Take the trail east past where the trail turns inland and goes above the small cliff/bowl. Just beyond this there is a well traveled side trail that goes off to the left (west). 20 yards in the bird was sleeping in a large spruce 12 feet up.</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>1 Glaucous Gull</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>2 Harlequin Ducks--Seen by several groups near the outer breakwall. Very dangerous &amp; icy walk.</DIV>
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<DIV class=RTE>Happy Birding!<BR>Sparky Stensaas</DIV></div></html>