[mou] Owls, etc

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 21:06:06 -0600

The two of us co-lead an owl trip for the All Seasons Wild Bird Store with
Amber Burnett to northeastern Kanabec County and central Pine County today.
With a 50 passenger bus as transportation we were still able to see 51 Great
Gray Owls, 4 Northern Hawk-owls, and 1 Barred Owl.  Also present were many
Northern Shrikes and lots of Common Redpolls.  Redpolls are at most feeders
in this area and the feeders at the Banning Junction restaurent were
especially full of them.  Three Bald Eagles were in the area with two of
them attending to a nest that they will soon use.  One adult Northern
Goshawk was seen.

Most of the Hawk-owls were on Pine Cty 28, with one previously reported in
Kanabec County.  The Great grays were all over where ever there was open
space for them to hunt.  Pine County Roads 18, 22, 28, and 30 were
especially productive.

Dennis and Barbara Martin