[mou] Chisago, Pine and Kanabek Owls

Bob Ekblad ekblad@millcomm.com
Sat, 29 Jan 2005 21:07:00 -0600

Diane and I went for a drive today in Chisago, Pine and Kanabec counties 
looking for owls.  The first one we encountered was a Great Gray Owl in 
southern Pine county just a half mile north of the Chisago county line 
and right along the eastern most road just a short distance from the St 
Croix.  The location is 2-1/2 miles south of the intersection of 70 and 
Cty 3.  It was on a power pole on the west side of the road.

Our first Northern Hawk Owl  was perch on a tree in a very open area on 
108 just a short distance from the intersection of 70 and 361.  This is 
due south of Pine City and about a mile east of I35.   The bird flew to 
the south after we had watched it for a while.

We headed up to Kanabec county to see if we could re-find the Northern 
Hawk Owl that Denny Martin had reported.  We didn't find it on our first 
couple of passes through the intersection of  3 and 20 (eastern Kanabec 
- west of Hinkley), but in our wanderings in the area we did find a 
Great Gray Owl 1/2 mile south of 290th Ave along Teal road.  To get to 
this location go one mile south of the 3 & 20 intersection and then 
right (west) on 290th for a mile and then south on Teal for a half 
mile.  The bird was on the west side of the road.  There was also 
another Great Gray Owl a mile to the west of the intersection of Teal 
and 290th.  We then went back up to the 3 & 20 intersection and found 
another Great Gray on the power line just to the west of the 3 & 20 
intersection and then found the Hawk Owl in the area to the south and 
west of the intersection (both in view at the same time).  We then 
headed west on 3 and found a 4th Great Gray in Kanabec about a mile down 
the road from the one that was across the road from the Hawk Owl.

On our way home we went through the area in Chisago County where Denny 
had reported a Great Gray near 420th on 69 (4 miles east of North Branch 
on 95 and then north to 420th).  We were skunked on our way north in mid 
morning, but this time we found one west of 69 on 420th working the 
power line corridor and then found a second one a mile south of 420th 
right next to the road on 69.

We had a great day of birding.

Bob Ekblad
Olmsted County in SE Minnesota