[mou] Falcon Heights birds

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com, a_molson@unidial.com
Mon, 31 Jan 2005 11:39:05 -0600

   I have had several calls and emails about the Varied Thrush and
Bohemian Waxwings.The Bohemians were seen only on Jan 20 in a mixed
flock.There have been 50 or more Cedars every day for the past 10
days.Yesterday there were at least 150 and today there were over
100.They are sometime in small groups but the past two days have been in
a large flock.They have been all over the neighborhood but the most
reliable places are the yard at Howell and Prior and a block to the
south on Garden.
The Varied Thrush surived the snowfall and was seen for several days but
has not been reported since Wednesday.I saw it three times at the Howell
site and I have four other reports.All were brief,the bird was shy and
was not consistently there.There have been from 20 to 50 Robins around.I
saw about 25 at the Howell site this morning,some were singing.There
were also singing Cardinals and Chickadees.Sounded like Spring.
The Howell yard apple trees have been pretty well cleared of their
fruit,however there are many other apple trees and some Mountain Ash
with fruit nearby so the birds could well stay around.
Manley Olson
651 644 2848