[mou] Re: Henslow's Sparrows

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Mon, 4 Jul 2005 17:05:50 -0500

Can anyone offer insight into the very large number of Henslow's=20
Sparrows being reported in Minnesota this summer? More birds? Why? What=20=

changed? Or, more birders? Do we simply find more once we begin=20
Jim Williams

On Jul 4, 2005, at 11:28 AM, Williams, Bob wrote:

I braved the bugs this morning to walk the Pet Trails at=20
Murphy-Hanrehan and counted 18 singing Henslow's Sparrows, by far the=20
highest count I've had out there.=A0 Most all were heard in locations=20
where they have been heard before.=A0 I counted 10 in the primary area=20=

and the rest were scattered in other areas.=A0 That does not include the=20=

one reported by Jesse Ellis.=A0 I sure hope this is a good indicator for=20=

future years.=A0 The only other birds of interest were Sandhill Crane(s)=20=

calling from the SW part of the Pet Trails where the larger of the two=20=

wetlands is located(just north of the intersection of 175th St.and=20
Bob Williams, Bloomington