[mou] Ramsey Cty: Possible St. Paul Mockingbird

Jim Ryan Jim Ryan <muchmoredoc@gmail.com>
Wed, 6 Jul 2005 10:34:23 -0500

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Hello All,
I have been too busy to bird much this spring, but I keep my eyes open to=
what ever may pass my way.=20

At about 10 am this morning I noticed what sure looked like a mockingbird t=
me up on a wire above a patch of dense shrubbery on an overpass in St. Paul=
I was on the I-94 Cretin/Vandalia exit coming from the east and saw the bir=
on the wire across the street, so I got a direct front view and a bit of th=
side as I turned away from it. No time to use binocs in traffic.The bird wa=
robin sized but more slender with a slender bill. Overall it was grayish=20
with a plain breast and belly. The underside of the tail had a faint black=
and white pattern.=20

The bird was on the NW corner of this very busy, very tough to bird area. I=
turned the car around to get another look but it was gone by the time I=20
returned a few minutes later. I did see some goldfinches squabbling and som=
starlings too.=20

The best bet to monitor this area would be to park south of the freeway=20
(several blocks away) in the neighborhood and walk over the bridge to the=
area. Stopping in the car (unless for the traffic lights) is NOT an option.

Jim in S. Mpls
"Trying creates impossibilities. Letting go creates what is desired." -=20
Stalking Wolf, Apache Scout, Shaman and Healer

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Hello All,<br>
I have been too busy to bird much this spring, but I keep my eyes open to w=
hat ever may pass my way. <br>
At about 10 am this morning I noticed what sure looked like a
mockingbird to me up on a wire above a patch of dense shrubbery on an
overpass in St. Paul.&nbsp; I was on the I-94 Cretin/Vandalia exit
coming from the east and saw the
bird on the wire across the street, so I got a direct front view and a
bit of the side as I
turned away from it.&nbsp; No time to use binocs in traffic.The bird
was robin sized but more slender with a slender bill. Overall it was
grayish with a plain breast and belly.&nbsp; The underside of the tail
had a faint black and white pattern.&nbsp; <br>
The bird was on the NW corner of this very busy, very tough to bird
area. I turned the car around to get another look but it was gone by
the time I returned a few minutes later.&nbsp; I did see some
goldfinches squabbling and some starlings too. <br>
The best bet to monitor this area would be to park south of the freeway
(several blocks away) in the neighborhood and walk over the bridge to
the area. Stopping in the car (unless for the traffic lights) is NOT an
Jim in S. Mpls<br>-- <br>&quot;Trying creates
impossibilities.&nbsp;&nbsp;Letting go creates what is desired.&quot; -
Stalking Wolf, Apache Scout, Shaman and Healer
