[mou] white-winged dove refound!

Josh Watson jwkinglet@yahoo.com
Sun, 10 Jul 2005 17:09:31 -0700 (PDT)

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I just re-found the white winged dove in the same spot, if flew up from on the ground I previously saw it in and alighted on top of a telaphone pole along our open riding arena. I saw if even better this time becuase the sun was located better. I could see the white on the wings extremely well and the dark primaries. I could also see the white and black bands on the square tail extremely better then the previous sighting. I re-found it at about 7:00 pm, again my phone number is (218)-387-1484 if anyone is interested in coming and seeing it, I will give directions if you call. Good birding,
Josh Watson
Grand Marais

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<DIV>I just re-found the white winged dove in the same spot, if flew up from on the ground I previously saw it in and alighted on top of a telaphone pole along our open riding arena. I saw if even better this time becuase the sun was located better. I could see the white on the wings extremely well and the dark primaries. I could also see the white and black bands on the square tail extremely better then the previous sighting. I re-found it at about 7:00 pm, again my phone number is (218)-387-1484 if anyone is interested in coming and seeing it, I will give directions if you call. Good birding,</DIV>
<DIV>Josh Watson</DIV>
<DIV>Grand Marais</DIV><p>
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