[mou] Birding List(s)

Stan Merrill stan_1ch@yahoo.com
Mon, 25 Jul 2005 12:50:52 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings, EveryBIRDie!

On another birding list, is a survey...

A bird is only properly listed when it is located by the
lister alone. That is, the lister should not add a bird
to his/her life, yard, county, state, country, etc. list
unless he or she found it without the help of others; ie.
guide, email list, a friend, etc.
   Don't care

Though I'll be curious as to how the votes come in, I'm
also anxious to know YOUR opinion, so why don't you
e-mail me individually -- do not want to "clog" this
Listserve with all your responses.


Stan Merrill
Apple Valley/St. Paul, MN

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