[mou] Black-headed Grosbeak, Marshall Co., 12-13 June

Chu, Philip PChu@CSBSJU.EDU
Mon, 13 Jun 2005 14:17:14 -0500

The male Black-headed Grosbeak is still present at the home of Mary and =
Steve Broten in Marshall Co.=20

Last night, 12 June, during the period from 6:30 to 9:45 PM, the =
grosbeak paid a single visit to the bank of feeders in the back yard of =
the house.  The visit lasted for about two minutes, prompting Steve =
Broten to observe, "That's the longest I've seen him stay at the =

This morning, the grosbeak visited the feeders twice between 5:15 and =
7:15 AM, staying just 10-15 seconds each time.  Then it began singing =
from the woods abutting the back yard; by using trails in the woods to =
follow the song, good views were eventually obtained as the bird sang =
from various exposed perches.  Thanks are owed to Ben Fritchman and John =
Hockema, who initially located the grosbeak in the woods by "chasing =
down" a not-quite-the-same grosbeak song.

To repeat the directions to the Broten's home that Jeannie Joppru posted =
last Thursday, "go nearly 12 miles north on US 59 from the intersection =
of MN 1 and US 59 in Thief River Falls, then 1/8 mile west on 280th St =
NW, then south down their driveway.  Please call before you visit.  =
Their home number is 218-874-2080."

Phil Chu
Department of Biology
St. John's University
Collegeville, MN 56321=20