[mou] More on the SPAS Pine To Prairie Tour

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 09:54:01 -0500

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Some other highlights of the Friday through Monday trip:
  a.. At Glendalough State Park, a very active group of Yellow-billed =
Cuckoos in the semi-open area of tall trees just across the bridge, near =
the trail center (near the end of the road).
  b.. Marbled Godwits putting on shows at Rothsay, Felton, and =
Tympanuchus Prairie (near Crookston).
  c.. LeConte's sparrows at these same locations.
  d.. At Tympanuchus, Prairie Chickens (where else?), lots of displaying =
Upland Sandpipers and Snipe, and one moose.
  e.. Red Crossbills, singing Hermit Thrushes, and a fly-by of a =
Black-backed Woodpecker on the Thompson Forest Road, Beltrami Island =
State Forest.
  f.. Northern Parulas and Blackburnian Warblers at the Big Bog SRA =
headquarters, Waskish, eastern edge of Upper Red Lake.  The bog =
boardwalk at the Big Bog SRA, which was originally scheduled for =
completion in 2004, is still under construction and not usable.  The =
current estimate for completion is sometime in July.
Due to heavy rain Saturday afternoon, we did not search for the Rock =
Wrens and Say's Phoebes at Felton.

Julian Sellers
St. Paul
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Some other highlights of the Friday through =
  <LI><FONT face=3DArial>At Glendalough State Park, a very =
active&nbsp;group of=20
  Yellow-billed Cuckoos in the semi-open area of tall trees&nbsp;just =
across the=20
  bridge, near the trail center (near the end of the road).</FONT></LI>
  <LI><FONT face=3DArial>Marbled Godwits putting on shows at Rothsay, =
Felton, and=20
  Tympanuchus Prairie (near Crookston).</FONT></LI>
  <LI><FONT face=3DArial>LeConte's sparrows at these same =
  <LI><FONT face=3DArial>At Tympanuchus, Prairie Chickens (where else?), =
lots of=20
  displaying&nbsp;Upland Sandpipers and Snipe, and one =
  <LI><FONT face=3DArial>Red Crossbills, singing Hermit =
Thrushes,&nbsp;and a=20
  fly-by of a Black-backed Woodpecker&nbsp;on the Thompson Forest Road, =
  Island State Forest.</FONT></LI>
  <LI><FONT face=3DArial>Northern Parulas and Blackburnian Warblers at =
the Big Bog=20
  SRA headquarters, Waskish, eastern edge of Upper Red Lake.&nbsp; =
  face=3DArial>The bog boardwalk at the Big Bog SRA, which was =
  scheduled for completion in 2004, is still under construction and not=20
  usable.&nbsp; The current estimate for completion is sometime in=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Due to heavy rain Saturday afternoon, we did=20
not&nbsp;search for the Rock Wrens and Say's Phoebes at =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Julian Sellers</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>St. Paul</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
