[mou] Mockingbird - Ely Softball Field Complex

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 10:38:29 -0500

The weather systems roll through here from all directions at this time
of year and maybe that is why the softball field complex seems to get
refreshed with a new bird species or two about once a week.   I am sure
this is happening in lots of places.  It just happens that I can stop
and take a look at the complex and surrounding wetlans as I come and go
a couple times a day.

This morning there was a lot of bird activity with the sun and warmth
after yesterday's storm.  Besides the usual birds, a northern
mockingbird was actively working the road/willow edge that circles the

I wonder what next week will bring.

Bill Tefft
Parks and Recreation Instructor
Vermilion Community College
1900 E. Camp Street
Ely, MN  55731
Phone: 218-365-7241
Fax: 218-365-7207