[mou] Waseca County - 6/14/2005 - + Dakota County Prairie Warbler still present

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 15:09:54 EDT

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Led a field trip to Waseca county on Tuesday and found the following  species 
of note:
Waseca County
Red-necked Grebes - on nests at Mott Lake
Virginia Rails - Seen and heard at the Buffalo Lake boat landing
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Seen and heard at Courthouse County Park, near the  
parking lot at the 
                                  North  entrance to the park
Pileated Woodpecker - Courthouse County Park
Bell's Vireo - Senn-Rich WMA, approx. 6 miles south of Waseca on the West  
side of Hwy.
                   13,   The bird was heard from the parking area next to Hwy 
Dakota County
Prairie Warbler - Ritter Farm Park - same location as previously  reported.
Craig Mandel  - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>Led a field trip to Waseca county on Tuesday and found the following=20
species of note:</DIV>
<DIV>Waseca County</DIV>
<DIV>Red-necked Grebes - on nests at Mott Lake</DIV>
<DIV>Virginia Rails - Seen and heard&nbsp;at the Buffalo Lake boat landing</=
<DIV>Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Seen and heard at Courthouse County Park, near t=
parking lot at the </DIV>
entrance to the park</DIV>
<DIV>Pileated Woodpecker - Courthouse County Park</DIV>
<DIV>Bell's Vireo - Senn-Rich WMA, approx. 6 miles south of Waseca on the We=
side of Hwy.</DIV>
The bird was heard from the parking area next to Hwy 13.</DIV>
<DIV>Dakota County</DIV>
<DIV>Prairie Warbler - Ritter Farm Park - same location as previously=20
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>Craig Mandel=20
- EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
