[mou] Sherburne N.W.R.

tpulles@gbronline.com tpulles@gbronline.com
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 19:31:40 -0600

Today my mom and I went to Sherburne N.W.R.  We didn't find
any of the true "rarities," but we did have some good stuff
(all along the driving trail) -

Black-billed Cuckoo
Alder Flycatcher
Least Bittern
American Woodcock
Scarlet Tanager
Yellow-throated Vireo

We ended the day with 77 species.  We also saw a
racket-tailed emerald dragonfly and 3 Blanding's turtles.

Good birding wishes to everyone

Keith Pulles, Wright County