[mou] Henslow's and LeConte's Sparrows in Hennepin County

Richard Hoyme rhoyme@msn.com
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 21:54:32 -0500

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The saga continues...

After refinding the Henslow's and LeConte's Sparrows at Carver park last =
night (see Bob Dunlaps Post for locations), I thought I would try for my =
home county. I was thinking, if I was a sparrow where would I like to be =
and thought of Crow-Hassan Park Reserve in Northwest Hennepin County. I =
got there about 8PM and as I drove in I was immediately serenaded with a =
singing Henslow's. I counted 4 different birds singing (Tslicking?) =
south of the parking lot. I hiked down the road towards the group camp =
and heard a fifth Henslow's (and possibly a sixth far off) in a grassy =
field on the right side, a short ways down the road. I continued on =
knowing there were more fields farther down. After going through a =
wooded area, where an oven bird was calling, there is another field. I =
stopped and listened but no more Henslow's. As I continued on I thought =
I heard a LeConte's so I stopped and listened again. Nothing. So I =
decided to encourage them a bit so I played the CD. That set off two =
LeConte's sparrows much closer than the far off one I thought I heard. I =
was back to the car before 9PM. 5 or 6 Henslow's Sparrows and 2 or 3 =
Leconte's Sparrows is not bad for an hours work. I didn't do a =
comprehensive survey so I bet there are a lot more there! Oh yeah, there =
were Grasshopper Sparrows there as well.

Crow Hassan Park Reserve is a real nice area that I suspect is under =
birded. It can be reached from interstate 94 at the Rogers exit (Highway =
101). Head South through the town of Rogers until you come to a 'T'. =
There is a sign there pointing to the right for the county park. Turn =
Right (County 116) and go 3-4 miles to county road 203. There is another =
sign pointing the way. The entrance is down a couple of miles and is =
well marked.=20

Good birding to all
Rick Hoyme
For once birding in my home county of Hennepin.
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<DIV>The saga continues...</DIV>
<DIV>After refinding the Henslow's and LeConte's Sparrows at Carver park =
night (see Bob Dunlaps Post for locations), I thought I would try for my =
county. I was thinking, if I was a sparrow where would I like to be and =
of Crow-Hassan Park Reserve in Northwest Hennepin County. I got there =
about 8PM=20
and as I drove in I was immediately serenaded with a singing Henslow's. =
counted 4 different birds singing (Tslicking?) south of the parking lot. =
I hiked=20
down the road towards the group camp and heard a fifth Henslow's (and =
possibly a=20
sixth far off) in a grassy field on the right side,&nbsp;a short ways =
down the=20
road. I continued on knowing there were more fields farther down. After =
through a wooded area, where&nbsp;an oven bird was calling,&nbsp;there =
another field. I stopped and listened but no more Henslow's. As I =
continued on I=20
thought I heard a LeConte's so I stopped and listened again. Nothing. So =
decided to encourage them a bit so I played the CD. That set off two =
sparrows much closer than the far off one I thought I heard. I was back =
to the=20
car before 9PM. 5 or 6 Henslow's Sparrows and 2 or 3 Leconte's Sparrows =
is not=20
bad for an hours work. I didn't do a comprehensive survey so I bet there =
are a=20
lot more there! Oh yeah, there were Grasshopper Sparrows there as =
<DIV>Crow Hassan Park Reserve is a real nice area that I suspect is =
birded. It can be reached from interstate 94 at the Rogers exit (Highway =
Head South through the town of Rogers until you come to a 'T'. There is =
a sign=20
there pointing to the right for the county park. Turn Right (County 116) =
and go=20
3-4 miles to county road 203. There is another sign pointing the way. =
entrance is down a couple of miles and is well marked. </DIV>
<DIV>Good birding to all</DIV>
<DIV>Rick Hoyme</DIV>
<DIV>For once birding in my home county of Hennepin.</DIV></BODY></HTML>
