[mou] Waterfowl - Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sun, 6 Mar 2005 15:33:21 -0600

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Today in Dakota County (6th): South winds and 55 degrees !!

Spring Lake Park: 

Northern Shovelor -2
Ring-necked Duck -10
Lesser Scaup - 30
Northern Pintail - 6
American Black Duck - 8
Snow Goose - 1
plus usual wintering ducks

Lake Rabeca:

Redhead - 4
American Coot -1

Jim Mattsson
Eagan, Dakota Co.
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<DIV>Today in Dakota County (6th): South winds and 55 degrees !!</DIV>
<DIV>Spring Lake Park: </DIV>
<DIV>Northern Shovelor -2</DIV>
<DIV>Ring-necked Duck -10</DIV>
<DIV>Lesser Scaup - 30</DIV>
<DIV>Northern Pintail - 6</DIV>
<DIV>American Black Duck - 8</DIV>
<DIV>Snow Goose - 1</DIV>
<DIV>plus usual wintering ducks</DIV>
<DIV>Lake Rabeca:</DIV>
<DIV>Redhead - 4</DIV>
<DIV>American Coot -1</DIV>
<DIV>Jim Mattsson</DIV>
<DIV>Eagan, Dakota Co.</DIV>