[mou] RE: [mnbird] Oops, forgot to attach or include image

shawn conrad dingermcduff@hotmail.com
Sun, 06 Mar 2005 22:56:50 -0600

You met a muskrat!  Ondatra zibethicus--common throughout North America.  
Nice photo!

Shawn Conrad

>From: "Ron Green" <rongreen@charter.net>
>To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>, <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>
>Subject: [mnbird] Oops, forgot to attach or include image
>Date: Sun, 6 Mar 2005 14:37:30 -0600
>Sorry about the memory lapse. The image I need help with indentification is 
>below and attached.
>Ron Green
><< weirdcritter.jpg >>