[mou] Ashland to Sax Zim

MatPaulson@netscape.net MatPaulson@netscape.net
Mon, 07 Mar 2005 01:24:12 -0500

     My dad and I birded from Ashland, WI to the Sax-Zim bog in MN this weekend. Saturday morning we saw the VARIED THRUSH near Washburn, WI. Also at the feeders were EVENING GROSBEAKS and PINE GROSBEAKS. In Washburn we had a fly-by flock of BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS. Then went to Ashland to look for a Gyrfalcon, but failed to find one. At the Superior Landfill were only the usual gulls. The Boreal Owl at 61 and Berquist Rd. in MN was not present Saturday afternoon. We then traveled south from Superior on 35 and found our first GREAT GRAY OWL. We then took T to 53 and found two more GREAT GRAY OWLS. We looked for Trumpeter Swans on the St. Croix Flowage from Y, but there were none.
     Sunday morning we headed to Sax-Zim where we found only two more GREAT GRAY OWLS, 9 NORTHERN HAWK OWLS, the BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS, GRAY JAYS, and a NORTHERN SHRIKE. On the way home we found another NORTHERN HAWK OWL on 53 just north of Minong, WI.

Matt Paulson
Whitewater, WI

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