[mou] Notification of New Images Posted

Ron Green rongreen@charter.net
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 05:18:25 -0600

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I have posted the owl images (Great Gray and Boreal) from my 3/3 to 3/5 =
trip to Aitkin County. All were shot around McGregor. I have put close =
to 200 on, even included some that were marginal because they depict =
interesting behavior (e.g. some owls fighting). To view them go to the =
following url and look in New Images. Again, thanks to various inputs =
from MOU and MNBIRD who provided such valuable information that led to =
these photo opportunities. And, special thanks to Cindy Butler Risen for =
all her help, especially for pointing me to the Boreal. I hope everyone =
enjoys the images. Ron Green

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I have posted the&nbsp;owl images =
(Great Gray and=20
Boreal) from my 3/3 to 3/5 trip to Aitkin County. All were =
McGregor. I have put close to 200&nbsp;on, even included some&nbsp;that =
marginal because they depict interesting behavior (e.g.&nbsp;some owls=20
fighting). To view them go to the following url and look in New Images. =
thanks to various inputs from MOU and MNBIRD who provided such valuable=20
information that led to these photo opportunities. And, special thanks =
to Cindy=20
Butler Risen for all her help, especially for pointing me to the Boreal. =
I hope=20
everyone&nbsp;enjoys the images. </FONT><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ron=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><BR><A=20
