[mou] Ducking the lessons

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Wed, 9 Mar 2005 20:39:56 -0600

The upcoming issue of Birding (March-April 05) carries a truly 
important article entitled "Ducking the Lessons: The Under-appreciated 
Waterfowl-driven Experience." Paul Baicich has written about the 
pioneering conservation work done in the 1930s and 1940s to restore 
duck populations and related habitat. Of course, many non-game bird 
species benefited then as they do now from the efforts of hunters to 
restore and create habitat. If only we birders were as willing to put 
the same time, energy, and money into the needs of our favored birds.

Of course, there always is that rally at the Capitol in St. Paul on 
April 2. That is a good place for us to begin. Birders need to join 
forces with people who know how to get the job done.

Read Paul's story. Then, join us in St. Paul.

Jim Williams