[mou] Live From Freeborn County

SnoEowl@aol.com SnoEowl@aol.com
Fri, 11 Mar 2005 10:46:24 EST

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A large flock of Lapland Longspurs traversed the vast wasteland that  
masquerades as my farm yesterday.
They were feeding on the graveled roadsides before they took wing  as if one 
bird flying away to the north.
I could almost sense the urgency in their feeding actions. 
It was the largest number of this bird that I've seen in our neck of the  
woods this winter.
They made for a very good day.
Al Batt
Your Greater Hartland Area Correspondent

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<DIV>A large flock of Lapland Longspurs traversed the vast wasteland that=20
masquerades as my farm yesterday.</DIV>
<DIV>They&nbsp;were feeding on the graveled roadsides before&nbsp;they took=20=
as if one bird flying away to the north.</DIV>
<DIV>I could almost sense the urgency in their feeding actions.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>It was the largest number of this bird that I've seen in our neck of th=
woods this winter.</DIV>
<DIV>They made for a very good day.</DIV>
<DIV>Al Batt</DIV>
<DIV>Your Greater Hartland Area Correspondent</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
