[mou] Sax-Zim, Aitkin Counties, expenses

Pastor Al PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Sun, 13 Mar 2005 07:49:24 -0600

Nathan & I traveled north to Sax-Zim (covering 169, 200, 2 and 73/29 on the
way up), then south to the McGregor/Rice Lake NWR area on 65, then 27/169
home.  Highlights were the two Black-backed Woodpeckers on McDavitt Road, a
probable Golden Eagle on 65, and nine Sharp-tailed Grouse on Aitkin 31 north
of Tamarack.

Could not locate the Three-toed (would have been a lifer for Nathan) on
McDavitt.  Feeders were surprisingly quiet (including the normally
dependable ones on 29 just south of Meadowlands), no grosbeaks noted at all
(basically redpolls, finches and chickadees).  Interestingly, only saw five
Northern Hawk Owls and a single Great Gray, but this could have been due to
time of day and a lack of emphasis.

The probable Golden was seen at 55 MPH, and the white shoulder patches,
slight dihedral and a feeling of "difference" from the Bald Eagles we see
nearly daily in Sherburne/Mille Lacs were the only ID characteristics noted.
Unfortunately did not get a good look at either the head or tail, and there
was a little more white on the body than I was completely comfortable with.

The Sharp-tailed were in a farmer's field about two miles north of where 31
"Y's" off of 6.  Two males were making life interesting for the other seven.
Sighting was about 2:30 PM.

For the cost-trackers among us, spent $13.00 in gas (will need to fill up
today!) and $2.00 in snacks (packed our lunches).

Beautiful though cold day, would not describe birds overall as abundant.

Good birding to all!

Nathan & Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties