[mou] RFI owls in Minnesota

psvingen@d.umn.edu psvingen@d.umn.edu
Tue, 15 Mar 2005 23:58:07 -0600

Good numbers of Great Gray, Northern Hawk, and other owl species are still being 
reported in northern Minnesota, especially in Aitkin and Pine counties. However, 
the number of owl records submitted to the Minnesota Ornithologists' Union (MOU) 
and to the compilers of owl records during the 2004_2005 irruption has tapered in 
recent weeks, perhaps due to a misperception that reports are no longer needed, or 
that most of the owls have been reported already.

We are still very interested in all reports of northern owls, especially at this 
time of year as we attempt to further understand and document their behavior, 
movement, and migration as winter draws to a close and the nesting season 
approaches. Please continue to submit reports of all owls seen, and include dates 
and specific locations (e.g., "Aitkin County Road 3, 4.2 miles west of US 169"). 
GPS coordinates are useful if available, but we can easily obtain GPS coordinates 
if the description is detailed enough.

As previously posted by MOU President Mark Alt, a good record includes:
1.      A correctly identified species
2.      Date of observation
3.      A specific location. 
4.      Observers' names and contact information.

The same detailed information is requested for any owls found dead or injured, 
along with information on the apparent cause of death or injury. Records of live 
or dead owls at locations where they have already been reported are just as 
important as "new" locations, since it helps determine the prevalence of birds in 
a particular area within that time period.

Thanks to all who help document this winter's incredible irruption of northern 
owls. Please e-mail your reports to the MOU at <mou@cbs.umn.edu> or send them 
directly to one of the compiiers of owl records:

Jim Lind <jslind@frontiernet.net> 
Peder Svingen <psvingen@d.umn.edu>

Peder H. Svingen--psvingen@d.umn.edu--Duluth, MN