[mou] FYI.. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker ??

Chuck Cole cncole@earthlink.net
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 15:37:09 -0600

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I just dropped in..  more of a wildlife photographer than a birder per se, but..

I lived near Orlando FL until moving here in '86.  Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers lived in a tall tree in a city park (Kraft Azalea Park)
on Lake Maitland.  I tried photographing them several times, but the only decent vantage point was on my small boat out in the lake,
so I could not use my long lenses effectively.  I do/did have some crummy photos from about 1980, however.

Recently was curious whether they are ever here, and found the notice that the Ivory-Billed has not been sighted anywhere since
1960.  I think the pileated has, however.  Called the park superintendent yesterday to inquire: he says he saw them yearly as
recently as last year, but that storm damage has downed some of their trees and he hasn't had opportunity to look this year.

I think these reports may be in error, because I saw the so-called extinct Florida Panther regularly c1984 and it was officially
discovered "not extinct" a year or so later after some friends and I reported some easily verifiable sighting locations and times to
the Game & Fish Department (FL equiv of DNR).

I doubt the Ivory-Billed would be this far North, but is the pileated woodpecker seen around here?

  Dakota County - AV

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
class=3D910491021-17032005>I just=20
dropped in..&nbsp; more of a wildlife photographer than a birder per se, =

<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
class=3D910491021-17032005>I lived=20
near&nbsp;Orlando FL until moving here in '86.&nbsp; Ivory-Billed =
lived in a tall tree in a city park (Kraft Azalea Park) on Lake =
I tried photographing them several times, but the only decent vantage =
point was=20
on my small boat out in the lake, so I could not use my long lenses=20
effectively.&nbsp; I do/did have some crummy photos from about 1980,=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
class=3D910491021-17032005>Recently was=20
curious whether they are ever here, and found the notice that the =
has not been sighted anywhere since 1960.&nbsp; I think the pileated =
however.&nbsp; Called the park superintendent yesterday to inquire: he =
says he=20
saw them yearly as recently as last year, but that storm damage has =
downed some=20
of their trees and he hasn't had opportunity to look this=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
class=3D910491021-17032005>I think these=20
reports may be in error, because I saw the so-called extinct Florida =
regularly c1984 and it was officially discovered "not extinct" a year or =
later after some friends and I reported some easily verifiable sighting=20
locations and times to the Game &amp; Fish Department (FL equiv of=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN=20
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
class=3D910491021-17032005>I doubt the Ivory-Billed would be this far =
North, but=20
is the pileated woodpecker seen around here?</SPAN></SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff><SPAN =
class=3D910491021-17032005>&nbsp; Dakota County -=20
