[mou] The Lansing Loop, Sat. March 19

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 14:08:18 -0800 (PST)

Three of us scouted the route Wednesday, March 16.
Thirty species of birds tallied, including Great blue
Heron, 6 dabbler duck species, 5 diver species, Canada
Geese, Peregrines at nest sites, several Bald eagles
on nests plus dozens of migrants, Titmouse, E.
Bluebird, Am. Robin migrant flock, meadowlark sp.
Missed were Trumpeter & Tundra Swans and Sandhill
Cranes which have been present,as well as
White-fronted Geese.

Snow is predicted Friday.

See you we hope.

Fred Lesher 
Coulee Region Audubon Society

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