[mou] FYI.. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker ??

SeEtta Moss seetta@msn.com
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 23:33:54 -0700

My apologies for double posting-I unsuccessfully tried to catch my email and 
get my name on it before it transmitted.

As long as I am posting again, I might comment on the post about a 
"windfall" for the Raptor Center.  While making my contribution at the 
Raptor Center website, I read that it costs them almost $1,000 each to 
rehabilitate the owls.  With almost 90 owls, that's almost $90,000 in costs 
to the Raptor Center.

I suspect most birders agree that in the long run it is important to 
contribute to purchases of more habitat.  Since it is often human causes of 
their injuries, especially vehicle colllisions, I think it is our obligation 
to support the treatment and release of as many owls as possible.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City, Colorado

>During my trip to Minn, I had a Pileated Woodpecker fly across state
>highway 18 just east of Tamarack on Feb 25.  Its white underwings
>flashed distinctly as it flew and it has a distinctive shape.  It
>landed in large group of trees on the north side of the highway and
>I was able to confirm the id with my binoculars as this was a life
>bird for me.
>>I doubt the Ivory-Billed would be this far North, but is the
>pileated woodpecker seen around here?
>>   Dakota County - AV
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