[mou] FYI.. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker ??

Kimerly J Wilcox wilco001@umn.edu
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 19:00:33 CST

We have them (pileated) coming to the suet feeders in our backyard year
round.  We don't always see them every day, but then we aren't always

Kim Wilcox
Otsego, MN
Wright Co.

On 17 Mar 2005, Chuck Cole wrote:
> I just dropped in..  more of a wildlife photographer than a birder per
> but..
> I lived near Orlando FL until moving here in '86.  Ivory-Billed
> lived in a tall tree in a city park (Kraft Azalea Park)
> on Lake Maitland.  I tried photographing them several times, but the only
> decent vantage point was on my small boat out in the lake,
> so I could not use my long lenses effectively.  I do/did have some crummy
> photos from about 1980, however.
> Recently was curious whether they are ever here, and found the notice
> the Ivory-Billed has not been sighted anywhere since
> 1960.  I think the pileated has, however.  Called the park superintendent
> yesterday to inquire: he says he saw them yearly as
> recently as last year, but that storm damage has downed some of their
> and he hasn't had opportunity to look this year.
> I think these reports may be in error, because I saw the so-called
> Florida Panther regularly c1984 and it was officially
> discovered "not extinct" a year or so later after some friends and I
> some easily verifiable sighting locations and times to
> the Game & Fish Department (FL equiv of DNR).
> I doubt the Ivory-Billed would be this far North, but is the pileated
> woodpecker seen around here?
> Chuck
>   Dakota County - AV
Kimerly J. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Senior Instructional Multimedia Consultant
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