[mou] FYI.. Ivory-Billed Woodpecker ??

Kimerly J Wilcox wilco001@umn.edu
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 19:12:38 CST

Chuck--I should also mention that we have seen pileateds in the Minnesota
Landscape Arboretum.

Kim Wilcox

On 18 Mar 2005, SeEtta Moss wrote:
> Chuck,
> During my trip to Minn, I had a Pileated Woodpecker fly across state
> 18 just east of Tamarack on Feb 25.  Its white underwings flashed
> as it flew and it has a distinctive shape.  It landed in large group of 
> trees on the north side of the highway and I was able to confirm the id
> my binoculars as this was a life bird for me.
> >
> >I doubt the Ivory-Billed would be this far North, but is the pileated 
> woodpecker seen around here?
> >
> >Chuck
> >   Dakota County - AV
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Kimerly J. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Senior Instructional Multimedia Consultant
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University of Minnesota
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