[mou] Peregrine in Uptown

markfalcon@comcast.net markfalcon@comcast.net
Sat, 19 Mar 2005 07:02:52 +0000

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Driving through uptown today in the blizzard, I traveled east along Lake street and as I approached Lyndale and Lake, I was surprised to see a Peregrine drop quickly into view right above the car in front of me, it had both legs extended and a Pigeon was grasped in the set of talons on the left leg. The falcon appeared to be falling more than flying, and just before it appeared it would land on top of the car in front of me, it released the pigeon, which landed in a vacant parking space on the NW corner of the intersection of Lyndale and Lake. The peregrine perched on the edge of the Subway shop there and peered at the Pigeon from about 40 feet away. The Bird was about 15 feet above the busy sidewalk and it was an adult, a large bird, probably a female. I sat for the light, about 10 seconds, then the pigeon attempted to fly, the Peregrine took off back up the street in pursuit, and I suspect this ended poorly for the pigeon. I believe from the looks on the passersby that I wa
 s the only one who witnessed this and recognized it for what it was. Thank you Bud Tordoff for leading the charge to bring these great birds back.
Best drive home of the year!

Mark Alt
Brooklyn Center, MN
Hennepin County
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<DIV>Driving through uptown today in the blizzard, I traveled east along Lake street and as I approached Lyndale and Lake, I was surprised to see a Peregrine drop quickly into view right above the car in front of me, it had both legs extended and a Pigeon was grasped in the set of talons&nbsp;on the&nbsp;left leg. The falcon appeared to be falling more than flying, and just before it appeared it would land on top of the car in front of me, it released the pigeon, which landed in a vacant parking space on the NW corner of the intersection of Lyndale and Lake. The peregrine perched on the edge of the Subway shop there and peered at the Pigeon from about 40 feet away. The Bird was about 15 feet above the busy sidewalk and it was an adult, a large bird, probably a female. I sat for the light, about 10 seconds, then the pigeon attempted to fly, the Peregrine took off back up the street in pursuit, and I suspect this ended poorly for the pigeon. I believe from&nbsp;the looks on&nbs
 p;the passersby that I was the only one who witnessed this and recognized it for what it was. Thank you Bud Tordoff for leading the charge to bring these great birds back.</DIV>
<P>Best drive home of the year!</P>
<P>Mark Alt</P>
<P>Brooklyn Center, MN</P>
<P>Hennepin County</P>
