[mou] Gyrfalcon at long last!

Gail Wieberdink wieber64@comcast.net
Sun, 20 Mar 2005 13:14:27 -0600

On what was about the 9th trip down there to look, my husband, my sister
Mary Hess and I finally saw the gyrfalcon in Dakota County.  We saw the bird
about 9:30 a.m. today on a pole along Highway 55 between CR 42 and Jacob
Avenue.  We followed the bird as it flew from pole to pole down the road.
We lost it when it flew NE in the general direction of Schaars Bluff.
Although we continued to drive around the area, we were unable to refind it.
We had some good views although we would have liked longer ones -- it was a
life-lister for all of us and worth the many attempts to find it!

We also saw a few horned larks, 3 kestrels, and several red tails.  We did
not see the big flock (30+) of turkeys we saw last Sunday along CR 42 about
a half mile from 55.

Gail Wieberdink