[mou] Bohemian Waxwings

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Sun, 20 Mar 2005 13:00:41 -0600

There are still at least one smaller flock in Ely.  I have been trying
to notice the last spring date for them.  There were about 25 in a group
still here yesterday, March 19.

We have at least one bald eagle sitting on eggs and others are back at
nests in the area.

Evening grosbeaks seem to have divided at one of the local feeders.  The
males are all at the Blue Heron Bed and Breakfast feeders and the
females except for one male feed at the owners feeders next door.

Common redpolls are still abundant, but pine grosbeaks have just about
all headed north.  I have only seen one female on Wednesday and today.

It certainly seems like spring despite all the snow on the 1st day of
spring.  Let's hear it for Earth Day on this 1st earth day of the
spring.  I know every day is Earth Day.

St. Louis County and Lake County

Bill Tefft
Parks and Recreation Instructor
Vermilion Community College
1900 E. Camp Street
Ely, MN  55731
Phone: 218-365-7241
Fax: 218-365-7207