[mou] RFI - Gray Partridge

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Sun, 20 Mar 2005 18:47:39 -0600

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The most reliable spot within two hours of the Twin Cities I know of is the
Empire Substation on 210th Street in Dakota Co.  If I walk around the power
station I almost always flush a few but can usually see them in the fields
from my car.

You take Hwy 52 south to 200th Street and go west.  Take 200 to Clayton and
go south.  Clayton will come to a =B3T=B2 intersection and you go west (it
should be a gravel road).  Take that until you see the power station on the
north side of the road and watch for the gray partridge.  There=B9s a small
parking lot outside of the fenced in station.  I don=B9t know if it=B9s legal
for birders to walk around the fenced area but I know many of us do.

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN

on 3/20/05 5:29 PM, Hopkins,Jeffrey A. at HOPKINJA@airproducts.com wrote:

> I hope this message is OK for this list, because the other list doesn't s=
> to want to approve me.
> I'll be coming to Minneapolis this coming weekend and hope to get some bi=
> in between hockey games.  Unlike most birders visiting Minnesota, the bir=
d I
> most want to see is not Great Grey Owl, but would be gray partridge.  I h=
ave a
> copy of Kim Eckert's guide, but if anybody knows a reliable place to find=
> within about 2 hours of the Twin Cities I'd really appreciate hearing fro=
> you.  Also if anybody cares to join me birding Saturday AM, let me know.
> Off topic, if anybody has a spare ticket to the NCAA Hockey regional,
> especially for the Cornell-Ohio State game, I'll be glad to buy it from y=
> :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> Jeff Hopkins=20
> Whitehall, PA=20
> hopkinja AT airproducts DOT com

Content-type: text/html;
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<TITLE>Re: [mou] RFI - Gray Partridge</TITLE>
<FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>The m=
ost reliable spot within two hours of the Twin Cities I know of is the Empir=
e Substation on 210th Street in Dakota Co. &nbsp;If I walk around the power =
station I almost always flush a few but can usually see them in the fields f=
rom my car.<BR>
You take Hwy 52 south to 200th Street and go west. &nbsp;Take 200 to Clayto=
n and go south. &nbsp;Clayton will come to a &#8220;T&#8221; intersection an=
d you go west (it should be a gravel road). &nbsp;Take that until you see th=
e power station on the north side of the road and watch for the gray partrid=
ge. &nbsp;There&#8217;s a small parking lot outside of the fenced in station=
. &nbsp;I don&#8217;t know if it&#8217;s legal for birders to walk around th=
e fenced area but I know many of us do.<BR>
-- <BR>
Sharon Stiteler<BR>
Minneapolis, MN<BR>
on 3/20/05 5:29 PM, Hopkins,Jeffrey A. at HOPKINJA@airproducts.com wrote:<B=
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYL=
</SPAN></FONT><SPAN STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">I hop=
e this message is OK for this list, because the other list doesn't seem to w=
ant to approve me.</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"> <BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">I'll be coming to Minneapolis this coming w=
eekend and hope to get some birding in between hockey games. &nbsp;Unlike mo=
st birders visiting Minnesota, the bird I most want to see is not Great Grey=
 Owl, but would be gray partridge. &nbsp;I have a copy of Kim Eckert's guide=
, but if anybody knows a reliable place to find them within about 2 hours of=
 the Twin Cities I'd really appreciate hearing from you. &nbsp;Also if anybo=
dy cares to join me birding Saturday AM, let me know.<BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Off topic, if anybody has a spare ticket to=
 the NCAA Hockey regional, especially for the Cornell-Ohio State game, I'll =
be glad to buy it from you &nbsp;:-)<BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Thanks in advance,</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Verdan=
a, Helvetica, Arial"> <BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Jeff Hopkins</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, Hel=
vetica, Arial"> <BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">Whitehall, PA</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Verdana, He=
lvetica, Arial"> <BR>
</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Courier New">hopkinja AT airproducts DOT com</FONT><FONT=
 FACE=3D"Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"> <BR>
</FONT></SPAN></BLOCKQUOTE><SPAN STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'><FONT FACE=3D"Verda=
na, Helvetica, Arial"><BR>
